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About Me

I am Merryn and I’m welcoming you here to my corner of the internet where I hope you will find exactly what it is that you have been looking for.

My essence is calm and that calm comes from a place of love. Love unifies us all as humans, but it goes beyond us. I see love in pattern and colour and have a practice of translating that into the work that I offer, into connection with the people I meet.


As I sit here, snuggled under a cosy woollen blanket in my armchair with my cat on my lap, I find myself questioning what it is I should be sharing here within an introduction to the person that I am. I’m going to move past the ‘shoulds’ and do what I do so authentically in person, get under the layers of small talk, straight to the depth of my soul, right to my being.


I have three young children who live with myself and my husband, Gareth, just on the edge of Shrewsbury town, in the beautiful county of Shropshire. My soul is craving to root in the countryside and I spend a lot of my time travelling out to the Shropshire Hills and local woodland. For now, I reside here, in a beautiful old school house in what we have coined ‘the tree house’. Our windows open into the trees on the South and West of our home. To the North we have beautiful town views with rich architecture and glowing sunsets. The East, is our shared outdoor space where we are growing fruit, vegetables, flowers and herbs. This space is so precious to our family, it’s a place where we can get our hands into the earth and connect with our yearning for nurturing the land and our bodies.


We are surrounded by beautiful trees which I am in daily conversation with. Closest to us we have a beautiful young Silver Birch, her energy is fun and energetic, she attracts the squirrels and her branches are sweet and earthy. A little further down we have the huge grandfather Ash. Every morning he is full with birds, first singing birds and a little later on, a gathering of crows. To sit at the foot of the Ash is to gain a deep deep connection, so typical of an ash tree and this tree, this tree shares stories of journeying with rebirth and death, I've learnt so much from listening to his wisdom. Outside my living room window is a spruce, cedar and pine, a small gathering of evergreen, home to so many birds whom weave their nests in their arms, squirrels collect and crows pause to observe their surroundings. I once observed a Sparrow Hawk land in the branches, he only visited once but I have held that moment in my heart ever since.


This work, communicating with the land, with spirit and using my intuition is a life that I had forgotten. It took many years of shedding layers and returning to the earth the stories that no longer served me, to return to the woman I have always known was there. I heard whispers in the darkness, I felt presence all around me, I ignored so so much, so many attempts at communicating with me. My returning was something that I was so pleased of, it was a deep celebration. To witness my own return was like tending to the soul of a beloved grandmother, so much wisdom arose, so rich with nourishing story. With that journey came memories of my childhood that were so beautiful. Memories of sitting in conversation with spirit and our ancestors, of travelling realms and of holding the hands of many as they crossed, leaving this earth. My life is rich. I am eternally grateful for the women who have walked before me, who have shared their wisdom and held me as I’ve delved deep down and returned back over and over.


My work is a calling. Birth Keeping. Ceremony Holding. Healing. I work with mainly women. Tending to souls in need of guidance. Walking with you side by side as you navigate liminal spaces. Being ‘with woman’ in all the ways that I am called to is where you will find me and when you can’t find me there, I’ll be alchemising magic at the hearth in my kitchen or igniting the magic of the next generation with my family and wider community.


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Work with Me

If you reach out to me with interest in exploring working with me, you’ve opened a really powerful and sacred portal that I am leaning into more and more and treat with the utmost respect. 


People who see what I share, who watch me and my journey and see my growth and how I’m stepping more and more into my power and aligning my life more and more to my values and vision, people who see that and think, “You know what? I think I might want that, too,”. These people are at an important crossroads. If this is you, you’ve acknowledged on some level that you want something different than your current reality. 


I see my role here as being a tender, tending to your needs exactly as they present themselves, finding out where you’re at now, where you’d like to be, and helping you to see if and how my work can possibly be a path from your reality to the one you’re dreaming of. This portal of possibility can feel scary, because it takes action to create change, to move into a new reality that aligns with your highest visions and goals, so I treat you gently. But also firmly, channelling goddess energy, because I know that if I’m not acting as a strong guiding presence for you, helping you to feel safer and showing you the way, that it will be more comfortable for you to turn back and continue along the familiar path that you were on. 


Please know that when you reach out to me, I am honoured to be walking alongside you, and I will do my very best to guide you through this liminal space of exploration with my practice of non-judgement, and simply with curiosity around what will best serve you. If you’re ready to enter this space of exploration with me and want to know if we are a good fit. Head to 'Work With Me' and book a free Connection Call. 


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